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Empowered Hawaii: Tomorrow’s Tourism


Fertilizer made from invasive plants could be a win-win solution for Hawai’i Farmers – April 2024.  Listen read more on Hawai’i Public Radio



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Hbeto 2023

Hawaii’s economy has been hit hard by the pandemic, but in every challenge there is also opportunity.  What can and will we do to be part of the pandemic recovery, and how will we do it to increase sustainability, resiliency, and diversification?  What road blocks can we tackle to build back better?  Come talk story with commercial airline, petroleum refining, gas and hospitality, ecotourism, waste management, and renewable fuel innovation industry practitioners of Hawaii’s bioeconomy.

  • When: February 2023
  • Where: Zoom Webinar, register on EventBrite
  • By Whom: The Hawaii Bioeconomy Trade Organization 

See some of our most recent events and connect to their resources below.

To see all previous events, CLICK HERE

February 2023

HBeto 2023

What’s new in energy, Transport & agriculture

Our theme for this Forum was statewide integrated resource planning for local food, energy, transportation, and climate action, as well as introducing the new leadership in the Governor’s Administration.

February 2022

HBETO 2022

Time for transformational action!

The Hawaii Bioeconomy Trade Organization (HBETO) members, along with policy leaders and other enlightening voices and industry practitioners, met virtually to discuss the future for integrated biologically-based systems in our journey to a more sustainable Hawaii.

October 2020

Hbeto 2020

how can we build back better?

 Hawaii’s economy has been hit hard by the pandemic, but in every challenge there is also opportunity. What can and will we do to be part of the pandemic recovery, and how will we do it to increase sustainability, resiliency, and diversification? What road blocks can we tackle to build back better?

December 2019

Hawaii Aviation & Climate action summmit

Representatives from major airlines, environmental and transportation industry leaders, & officials from the State of Hawai`i gathered at a first-of-its-kind summit on Dec 3rd 2019 at the State Capitol.